Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Blog Introduction (Post No. 0)

     Welcome to my newest blog, which I call, "The Weeb Cafe." It's sort of like Ramen Pirate/Nerdz In Space from yesteryear, except I'm not going to tear anyone any new anusholes and I'm also not going to mention any bad experiences about Facebook. 

   I'm going to be talking about mostly anime/video games/computer stuff and stuff like that. The next post after this one will be - "If you buy any of these Macs, I will laugh at you." Why? Well, when I was younger, dumber, and more naive, I figured it would be cool to have my own Macs like I would've used at Elementary - High school, despite the family PC, and later my PC from the 486 tower with Windows 95 which became my first one, to the Windows XP machine which I had originally, and later donated to charity since I had no further use for it with Windows Vista being the machine on the Hewlett-Packard computer I had when I graduated High School, and the Katana which I am running Microsoft Windows 7, and the Windows 10 Claymore which initially was a Windows 10 machine, but thanks to Insider Preview, had itself upgraded to Windows 11 without my consent or approval. 

   Now, I don't know how long I plan to keep this blog post going for. Probably in perpetuity, provided I can keep myself mentally motivated to write something at least once every second day, once a week, or daily, or even multiple times a day. I'm probably going to also mention that I don't plan on keeping the default theme for this blog (I'll figure out how to change it) and blah blah blah something something like that. 


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I would've been mentioning something about the streams sooner, but I was kept too busy. (Post No. #55)

       This is the 55th post of the blog, even though it actually counts as the 56th on Blogger. Normally, I wouldn't talk about anythin...