Sunday, May 7, 2023

Rejected Blog Posts (Post No. 40)

    In the past, I have come up with some ideas for blogs which I ultimately had to reject, probably due to the fact that publishing these ideas would ultimately damage my own or someone else's reputation --- even if the damage to someone else's reputation was ultimately deserved on their part, and the reputation damage for myself? Completely undeserved. 

     So, because of this --- I will be continuing the trend of having BLOG POST ideas which I genuinely will be rejecting. 

Any Questions?

    This is the part of the blog where relevant questions will be addressed. And before you ask, No, I haven't abandoned the Linux tutorials that I will put on this blog. I will be addressing them starting with tomorrow's post, which will be post No. 41 on the Blog's Listing.

Question 1. When will you be publishing the rejected blog posts to your blog anyway?

To be completely honest, probably never. If you still aren't satisfied as to why I have this idea of "rejecting" blog post ideas before they get to see the light of day again anyway, read the first paragraph's blog post. 

Question 2. Will there be some type of archive made available of your blog, including the rejected posts? 

Yes, and work will soon begin on writing the archive of all said posts from the introduction of posts from post #0 (Introduction), to the current post, which is post no. 40 in the counted listing (And 41 in the Blogger listing - but I only serialize them 1 less than the actual number, since I didn't count the blog's introduction post as post 1.) 

Question 3. Will you publish the "rejected" posts on your blog or anywhere else online/the cloud?

Absolutely not! Because they are "rejected" posts for a reason. But just in case you were wondering if I was being sarcastic, no --- I'm being absolutely serious. If I had $1.00 for anyone who asked this question, I'd either be broke, just have $1.00, or probably be financially set for life so that I wouldn't have to worry about working a day in my life and still museum volunteer as a hobby. 

Question 4. Do you have anything else to add?

No, not unless I have a calculator! 

    And that concludes today's blog post, for Sunday, May 7th, 2023. (Sunday May 7th, 2023 shall be the date of the blog's publication for future reading and review.) 

Thank you for your time.

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I would've been mentioning something about the streams sooner, but I was kept too busy. (Post No. #55)

       This is the 55th post of the blog, even though it actually counts as the 56th on Blogger. Normally, I wouldn't talk about anythin...