Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Culmination of The Majority of My Research of a thing which I intend to only have my knowledge be for the present - And for everyone else to just find out. (Second Alpha Post) (Post No. 34)

      Before I start today's post, I would like to apologize to the computer nerds that I have hung out with in the community of nerds for so long for saying anything nice about Windows 11. Sure, I may "claim" that there are some redeeming aspects about Windows 11, but it ultimately doesn't really matter what the Modern-day Microsoft Machine does in the end. I will have to "flip" the Monopoly Table at some point, and throw the game pieces away. I've already said I didn't really care about Windows 12 - and want to not look at if or when a Windows 13 will be released, or it will likely get cancelled due to some traditional superstition in the Western world. Not that I wish to talk about superstition --- Or bring any attention to how Windows is going to be viewed as something that I will be making fun of and refuse to use more recent versions so that I can use the Windows versions designed for more of a circular economy.

      I've had the strongest held belief for the longest time that Windows 7 was the last version of Microsoft Windows that Microsoft of Redmond, Washington, U.S.A., had released to the public that would be any good. 


Windows 8 --- was just plain bad

Windows 8.1 --- mediocre

Windows 10 --- not good

Windows 11 --- a hopeless disaster from day 1. 


    With that, I won't mention this else much longer.

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I would've been mentioning something about the streams sooner, but I was kept too busy. (Post No. #55)

       This is the 55th post of the blog, even though it actually counts as the 56th on Blogger. Normally, I wouldn't talk about anythin...